Sunday, December 26, 2010

Choosing Your Tuxedo

With the plethora of choices available; it's easy to understand how confusion can set in when choosing the perfect tuxedo for your occasion. This blog entry will attempt to show you how.

The first thing to consider when you are choosing a tuxedo is the tuxedo color. Traditional black is always fitting for any formal occasion. Lighter colors tend to be used for daytime occasions that are slightly less formal. Today, the color of the tuxedo tends to relate the "vibe" of the occasion.

After you've chosen your tuxedo color, look at the type of lapel that it has. Lapels come in shawl, peak and notch style, although today there are variations of these basics.

Tuxedo jackets come in a multitude of styles. Your color choice and lapel choice should have eliminated several of them. Tails or no-tails would be your next decision. After that, you should choose a style that you feel comfortable in.

Tuxedo shirts come next. Nowadays shirts can come in a multitude of colors. White, off-white and black are most common. The most common collar styles are the traditional wing collar and the lay down collar which looks like a regular dress shirt collar.

Your neckwear and vest style and color are next. Many times brides tend to want the vest and tie color to match bridesmaids dresses or a chosen color accent. The following are more common styles of neckwear. The bow-tie is probably most familiar and the most formal. The ascot is traditionally worn during daytime events and is an older style. The windsor tie looks like a business tie. The bolo has a more "western" feel and is normally worn with western style tuxedos.

Finally there are shoes. Today, shoes tend to match the tuxedo in color, but most are black. You can buy or rent these at your local tuxedo rental/sales business.

An alternative way to choose a tux is to go to a site like Jim's Formalwear "Build A Tux".  There you can choose from available styles and colors.  A word of caution.  Sometimes colors are not exactly as seen on the website due to monitor color variations.  Also textures are not as clear on the web.

I would suggest you use sites like this as a starting point and then personally visit your tuxedo shop and make your final decision there.  A knowledgeable tuxedo shop will be willing to answer your questions in depth and help you make more confident decisions.

That's the process in a nutshell. Generally, your date or your bride will have an idea as to her suitable colors. Your job consists of finding a style that you are most comfortable with.

Happy tux hunting!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11.... A day to Remember!

Hello everyone......its been awhile. Hope everyone is doing fine. Well today is a day of remembrance. Nine years ago today is a day all of us will always remember.It is hard to believe it has been 9 years. My son was only 3 (in preschool) and my daughter was not even born yet.Now he is 12 ( and I am so proud of him), also, Daddy's little girl is sooooo precious to me! They are the the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what can I say about Re Re. The love of my life. Life would not be happy anymore. She has brought such joy into my life. I do not show her enough that I Love her Very Much. (She still gives me goose bumps.)
Today is an important day,but then again ,everyday is an important day.We should always be thankful for the people in our lives and always remember. Remember not just what happened on that awful day in September,but also always remember your family and why they are so special to us. Be Good and Take Care.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Time seems to be flying by so quickly and I find that the summer season is half over. What seemed to be a controversial event-the construction of new sidewalks on the Public Square is now a memory. In retrospect, I think that much of the construction "panic" was overblown. Such things pass and the result is that the downtown looks better, is more pedestrian friendly and it's beauty is enhanced and because of this, I think value has been added. There has certainly been a change. A change for the positive.

Change can be a hard pill to swallow. You can need it, but you can fear it. Our country, our state our cities and ultimately we as individuals have been faced with figuring out exactly what change can mean. Blame has been thrown at those who create change. We've been told that the change that's happening is the wrong kind of change. There are those who have said we haven't changed enough. We fight change and embrace it at the same time. We crave it, yet admonish it. Change is always with us. Perhaps it is just that this time it's been the amount and frequency that have lately set some of us off balance. Being the prolific creatures we humans are; I'm sure we'll survive it and hopefully be better for it.

So now, I wait for local median construction, road repaving AND the change that it will bring.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Pollyanna's Hope

It seems to me, and perhaps I am incorrect, that it has been a very wet June so far. Today, the sun shines brightly, but my gratefulness gives way to a mixed bag of anticipation marked by worry and a touch of trepidation.

In spite of the newly constructed sidewalks and the beauty of the day, I still worry about the future. The welcomed investment in the Downtown community is still shadowed by a county unemployment rate of 11.5% and a somewhat questionable economy, resulting in many disgruntled citizens searching and hypothesizing for an answer.

Business could be better-not just for Mitchell's, but for countless other small businesses in Downtown, the state and the country. As times goes on, it seems that just being able to somehow "surf" and survive this economic tidal wave has become the goal. How does one judge when the "wave" has subsided and we have landed safely on terra firma? What are the sign posts?

I am not in the business of economic prognostication. Perhaps it is just the "Pollyanna" in me, but I believe that Downtown Angola is poised on the cusp of a renaissance, but it will be up to the private sector to decide how it all turns out. Sidewalks are just the beginning. It will take hearts and minds to finish the task.

I have met many dedicated, unsung heroes in the downtown area-pushing and striving to make this a better place not just for them, but for our entire community. Some you may have heard of, most probably not. They are business owners, employees, volunteers, friends and neighbors. They dream, they plan and they do. Advancement just doesn't happen, it is coordinated, planned and executed by dedicated individuals who even through adversity, get back to the mission at hand and attempt to "ride the wave".

Our downtown is not just buildings of brick and mortar, but the hearts and souls and the backs of hard working small business owners and those who support them. There are faces and stories behind the new concrete and brick sidewalks. People who believe and dream of a better future and work to make it happen. My hope is that these dreams become reality.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Break and a Wish

For the first time in a few years, Mitch is going on vacation. I'm excited, but a little nervous. Things always seem to "pop-up" when he's away. Fortunately, Mitch has left the store in more than capable hands and I thank our family members for their work. It is truly the gift of time that they give him. Time for himself. Time for his family. That is precious.

I'm not sure that it is always understood-the type of dedication he has for his business. Times have been a bit tough lately as they have been for so many. The economy. Construction. Morale can be low sometimes, but we do consider ourselves lucky. Mitchell's is still here. The family is intact. We live in a great town and a great country.

I send this wish out to Mitch. I hope you have a wonderful time. I hope you enjoy your break and take advantage of all it can give you. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your family.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Angola Featured June 9th 5:00pm on Channnel 21 Fort Wayne

Here's a commercial for the feature. Pizza Forum, Mitchell's and Joppa Minerals. Remember to watch Angola featured on "Life's Better Here" on ABC Channel 21 Alive Fort Wayne!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Plants, Sidewalks & Summer Heat

They are finally laying brick in the Northwest quadrant of the Public Square! I'm excited with the prospect of the finished product within the next week or so. My enthusiasm is somewhat dampened by low volume rumblings of the possibility of no flowers in the Public Square by the 4th of July. While I am not 100% sure why this is occuring, I believe that the delay will make the downtown construction feel unfinished even if the sidewalks are done by that date. So, while I try to understand the politics of this possibility, I am a bit saddened by it.

Overall, the construction seems to be rolling along. When it's done there's no doubt that the downtown will be visually appealing, but it will be up to the downtown businesses to take advantage of this marketing opportunity.

This week I spent a few hours with acquaintances, friends, family and complete strangers filling and planting the eight large planters that are distributed around the downtown. I have to applaud those that came to our rescue when we needed to place those planters filled with 300 pounds of compost.

It has been a hot week temperature wise. I'm thankful for the bricklayers who through the weekends and the heat have been faithfully handlaying and cutting the brick for the sidewalks. They are doing a tremendous job and the Northeast quadrant certainly looks wonderful. I on the other hand have suffered a mild case of dehydration and have taken a couple of days this week to recuperate.

I've noticed several people walking in the evenings checking out the new sidewalks. It's good to see people out and about. Not sure if it's the weather or the construction. Perhaps a combination of both.

I still hope things will work out and we'll have finished landscaping on the Public Square by July 4th.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Prom Season and Parrish Excavating Inc.

Those of you who rented tuxedos from us, I'm sure have noticed the hub of activity in front of the store. How could you miss it! We'd like to thank all of you for choosing Mitchell's for your tuxedo needs. We are particularly grateful considering the amount of construction dust that was flying as well as, at times, the absence of parking in front of the store.

The hired construction workers have been FANTASTIC during this busy time for us. They have moved their equipment and stopped what they were doing so that delivery trucks could do their job. They've helped people navigate through the construction. They've listened and done their best to accommodate our business. They have stopped traffic for our deliveries and they even helped carry tuxedos to and from the delivery van.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Birthday Wishes and Construction

Construction seems to be coming along although perhaps not as fast as I would like. (I know all things require their own timing.) Prom business, so far (fingers crossed), hasn't seemed to be deterred. From my point of view, the city has been accommodating to this business' concerns and comments. I'm looking forward to new sidewalks.

If you happen to see Mitch, make sure you wish him a Happy Birthday tomorrow. Like I mentioned in the previous post, Mitch has been working downtown since he was 17 and Mitchell's has been open since 1991. Mitch has a great loyalty and love for his family and Downtown Angola. If you have a chance, stop by and see him.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Flag Pole Holes & Such

You may have noticed the sidewalk demolition going on in the northeast quadrant of our Public Square. While this may seem somewhat intimidating, I just want to remind everyone that business is still being conducted. In spite of the inconvenience, I am excited about the prospect of new sidewalks.

Have you noticed Mitchell's Clothing & Tuxedos has a large flag placed in the sidewalk? While we bid a sad farewell to the continued use of that particular flag, I am reminded that this new construction is something that has been awaited for over 3 decades. The flag pole sidewalk hole that we place our flag in has existed for as long as Mitch can remember. For reference, Mitch has worked in the downtown since he was 17 years old. He is now well over 40. He tells me Downtown businesses used to display these large flags around the Public Square. The fact that many of these flag pole sidewalk holes still exist is seen to me as a reminder that new sidewalks are well overdue. The opportunities to trip and fall on the sidewalks on the Public Square should be mitigated with the introduction of these brand new walkways.

So while I am somewhat anxious about the demolition and construction, my uneasiness is diminished by the positive anticipation of new and improved sidewalks and a safer environment for pedestrian traffic.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

PROM FAIR and Event In the Public Square

Just wanted to tell you all about a couple of events happening in Downtown Angola. I blogged recently about the upcoming PROM FAIR. It's coming up in a couple of weeks and we are anxious to see how turn out will be. We are excited that we are able to do such an event.

This is NOT a fashion show. I just want to make that clear. I know there have been a few recently. The object of this fair is to fit young men for their prom tuxes as well as showcase some local business that can help make prom special. We'll will be giving away a free tuxedo (up to $95) to some lucky young man that night. As far as food goes, it looks like we are having herbed chicken wings with ranch and bbq sauce on the side, pretzels and punch. Remember Cahoots is also open for business so you can grab a cup of coffee or a soda if you prefer. They have some great sandwiches as well.

May 1st is prom day for Angola, Fremont and Hamilton this year. Downtown Angola is having a photo opportunity for these schools plus Prarie Heights. Prom courts from those schools are invited to have their pictures taken on the civil war monument grounds. They can then have their pictures taken with the rest of their school's prom attendees in front of the courthouse. In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.

Downtown Angola will be going through some changes this spring and summer. I'm looking forward to the outcome. New sidewalks and medians. It should be beautiful when it's finished. Hopefully most of you out there will not be hindered by the construction effort. Our businesses will be open during that time and we invite you to come see the construction and also shop while you're here in the downtown area.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Favorite Sandwich

Go Angola's Garage Sale & Flea Market was a success. I am happy to note that we also did well and I brought home considerably less than I brought to the sale.

On another front. Mitchell's is preparing for the upcoming Prom Fair. This is our first venture of this kind. We hope that it helps reduce possible congestion in the parking lots on the circle downtown due to demolition and construction that will be coming up soon. It also gives kids a chance to kick back, eat some food and have some fun while choosing and getting fitted for their tuxedos. Everyone planning on attending Prom is welcome including parents.

A word on Cahoots Coffee Cafe. They have been very gracious in allowing the use of their facilities to host this event. If you haven't been or tried their food, I suggest that you give it a whirl. Their cook Adam does a great job, particularly their interestingly named sandwich "The Fungus Among Us". It's a portabella mushroom sandwich that is probably my favorite thing on the menu. Their mushroom soup is pretty terrific also. The cafe's business helps to fund their mission to help "serve our Youth by providing a safe, non-threatening and non-judgmental venue to share their talents, develop meaningful relationships with caring adults, and cultivate their own gifts." It's a great cause, so if you can, stop by for lunch and get some good food and good coffee. Check out their website There's a menu you can view online.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Garage Sale & Flea Market Feb. 20th

While I am disappointed at the loss of the Super Bowl by the Colts, I have to admit that I am happy that it went to a deserving team. The Saints are no longer the "ain'ts" and that is a good thing, so I will be optimistic and look forward to next year for the Colts (and Rams for those of you who know me well).

Just a note to everyone. My store will be closed on Saturday, Feb. 20th. I'm not taking the day off, I'm taking part in a "garage sale and flea market" that our local downtown organization has put together. It will be at the "old Angola High School gym". There will of course be clothing, much of it from home and perhaps a few things from the store. Hopefully we'll be able to get rid of some of the kid's toys that we have at home. It is my wife's idea that I take part since she has kind of an aversion to retail sales. Although a garage sale is not retail, I'll defer to her in this case, because happiness is not always being right.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday!

Hello Everyone! Is everyone looking forward to watching the Colts win another Super Bowl?! Or will it be the Saints? My money (if I had any) would be on the Colts. Peyton Manning and Co., I think, will be too much for Drew Brees and the rest of the Saints.

My Colts Sweatshirts and Jackets have sold pretty well. I still have 2 leather Colts jackets left. ONLY $87.50! They are in size XL and 2XL. They are longer in the body so some taller guys could wear these comfortably too. In addition, I have pull-over hoodies, a pr. of Colts gloves, a baseball style cap and a winter knit hat.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Welcome to my Blog. This is new to me and the store, I'm just trying to see if this works for me.