Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Garage Sale & Flea Market Feb. 20th

While I am disappointed at the loss of the Super Bowl by the Colts, I have to admit that I am happy that it went to a deserving team. The Saints are no longer the "ain'ts" and that is a good thing, so I will be optimistic and look forward to next year for the Colts (and Rams for those of you who know me well).

Just a note to everyone. My store will be closed on Saturday, Feb. 20th. I'm not taking the day off, I'm taking part in a "garage sale and flea market" that our local downtown organization has put together. It will be at the "old Angola High School gym". There will of course be clothing, much of it from home and perhaps a few things from the store. Hopefully we'll be able to get rid of some of the kid's toys that we have at home. It is my wife's idea that I take part since she has kind of an aversion to retail sales. Although a garage sale is not retail, I'll defer to her in this case, because happiness is not always being right.